Ch5gt::AnnotateTraits< Derivate > | |
►Ch5gt::AnnotateTraits< DataSet > | |
Ch5gt::DataSet | Class representing a dataset |
►Ch5gt::AnnotateTraits< File > | |
Ch5gt::File | File class |
►Ch5gt::AnnotateTraits< Group > | |
Ch5gt::Group | Represents an hdf5 group |
Ch5gt::details::BufferInfo< T > | |
CH5Easy::Compression | Set compression level for written DataSets |
Ch5gt::details::container_converter< Container, T > | |
►Ch5gt::details::container_converter< FixedLenStringArray< N >, char > | |
Ch5gt::details::data_converter< FixedLenStringArray< N >, void > | |
►Ch5gt::details::container_converter< std::array< T, S > > | |
Ch5gt::details::data_converter< std::array< T, S >, typename std::enable_if<(std::is_same< T, typename inspector< T >::base_type >::value)>::type > | |
►Ch5gt::details::container_converter< std::vector< T > > | |
Ch5gt::details::data_converter< std::vector< T >, typename std::enable_if<(std::is_same< T, typename inspector< T >::base_type >::value &&!std::is_same< T, Reference >::value &&!std::is_class< T >::value)>::type > | |
Ch5gt::details::container_of_struct_converter< Container, T > | |
►Ch5gt::details::container_of_struct_converter< std::vector< T > > | |
Ch5gt::details::data_converter< std::vector< T >, typename std::enable_if<(std::is_same< T, typename inspector< T >::base_type >::value &&!std::is_same< T, Reference >::value &&std::is_class< T >::value)>::type > | |
Ccsl | |
Ch5gt::details::data_converter< Scalar, Enable > | |
Ch5gt::details::data_converter< CArray, typename std::enable_if<(is_c_array< CArray >::value)>::type > | |
Ch5gt::details::data_converter< Eigen::Matrix< T, M, N >, void > | |
Ch5gt::details::data_converter< std::string, void > | |
Ch5gt::details::data_converter< std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< T, M, N > >, void > | |
Ch5gt::details::data_converter< std::vector< Reference >, void > | |
Ch5gt::details::data_converter< std::vector< std::string >, void > | |
Ch5gt::details::data_converter< std::vector< T >, typename std::enable_if<(is_container< T >::value)>::type > | |
CH5Easy::DumpOptions | Options for dumping data |
Ch5gt::ElementSet | |
►Cstd::exception | |
►Ch5gt::Exception | Basic h5gt Exception class |
Ch5gt::AttributeException | Exception specific to h5gt Attribute interface |
Ch5gt::DataSetException | Exception specific to h5gt DataSet interface |
Ch5gt::DataSpaceException | Exception specific to h5gt DataSpace interface |
Ch5gt::DataTypeException | Exception specific to h5gt DataType interface |
Ch5gt::FileException | Exception specific to h5gt File interface |
Ch5gt::GroupException | Exception specific to h5gt Group interface |
Ch5gt::ObjectException | Exception specific to h5gt Object interface |
Ch5gt::PropertyException | Exception specific to h5gt Property interface |
Ch5gt::ReferenceException | Exception specific to h5gt Reference interface |
►Cstd::false_type | |
CH5Easy::detail::is_vector< T > | |
Ch5gt::FixedLenStringArray< N > | A structure representing a set of fixed-length strings |
Ch5gt::details::H5GTIterateData | |
Ch5gt::HDF5ErrMapper | |
Ch5gt::details::inspector< T > | |
Ch5gt::details::inspector< FixedLenStringArray< N > > | |
Ch5gt::details::inspector< std::array< T, N > > | |
Ch5gt::details::inspector< std::vector< T > > | |
Ch5gt::details::inspector< T * > | |
Ch5gt::details::inspector< T[N]> | |
CH5Easy::detail::io_impl< T, typename > | |
CH5Easy::detail::io_impl< T, typename std::enable_if< is_vector< T >::value >::type > | |
Ch5gt::details::is_c_array< typename > | |
Ch5gt::details::is_c_array< T * > | |
Ch5gt::details::is_c_array< T[N]> | |
Ch5gt::details::is_container< typename > | |
Ch5gt::details::is_container< std::vector< T > > | |
Ch5gt::LinkInfo | |
Ch5gt::CompoundType::member_def | Use for defining a sub-type of compound type If your dtype contains 'std::string' then you need to explicitely set 't_offset' in bytest like 'HOFFSET(STRUCT_NAME, MEMBER_NAME)' |
Ch5gt::EnumType< T >::member_def | Use for defining a member of enum type |
Ch5gt::NodeTraits< Derivate > | NodeTraits: Base class for Group and File |
►Ch5gt::NodeTraits< File > | |
Ch5gt::File | File class |
►Ch5gt::NodeTraits< Group > | |
Ch5gt::Group | Represents an hdf5 group |
►Ch5gt::Object | |
Ch5gt::Attribute | Class representing an attribute of a dataset or group |
Ch5gt::DataSet | Class representing a dataset |
Ch5gt::DataSpace | Class representing the space (dimensions) of a dataset |
►Ch5gt::DataType | HDF5 Data Type |
Ch5gt::AtomicType< T > | Create an HDF5 DataType from a C++ type |
Ch5gt::AtomicType< FixedLenStringArray< StrLen > > | |
Ch5gt::AtomicType< char[StrLen]> | |
Ch5gt::CompoundType | Create a compound HDF5 datatype |
Ch5gt::EnumType< T > | Create a enum HDF5 datatype |
Ch5gt::File | File class |
Ch5gt::Group | Represents an hdf5 group |
Ch5gt::ObjectInfo | A class for accessing hdf5 objects info |
CPoint | |
Ch5gt::PropertyList< T > | Base HDF5 property List |
►Ch5gt::PropertyList< PropertyType::DATASET_ACCESS > | |
Ch5gt::DataSetAccessProps | |
►Ch5gt::PropertyList< PropertyType::DATASET_CREATE > | |
Ch5gt::DataSetCreateProps | |
►Ch5gt::PropertyList< PropertyType::DATASET_XFER > | |
Ch5gt::DataTransferProps | |
►Ch5gt::PropertyList< PropertyType::DATATYPE_ACCESS > | |
Ch5gt::DataTypeAccessProps | |
►Ch5gt::PropertyList< PropertyType::DATATYPE_CREATE > | |
Ch5gt::DataTypeCreateProps | |
►Ch5gt::PropertyList< PropertyType::FILE_ACCESS > | |
►Ch5gt::FileAccessProps | |
Ch5gt::FileDriver | File driver base concept |
►Ch5gt::PropertyList< PropertyType::FILE_CREATE > | |
Ch5gt::FileCreateProps | |
►Ch5gt::PropertyList< PropertyType::GROUP_ACCESS > | |
Ch5gt::GroupAccessProps | |
►Ch5gt::PropertyList< PropertyType::GROUP_CREATE > | |
Ch5gt::GroupCreateProps | |
►Ch5gt::PropertyList< PropertyType::LINK_ACCESS > | |
Ch5gt::LinkAccessProps | |
►Ch5gt::PropertyList< PropertyType::LINK_CREATE > | |
Ch5gt::LinkCreateProps | |
►Ch5gt::PropertyList< PropertyType::OBJECT_COPY > | |
Ch5gt::ObjectCopyProps | |
Ch5gt::Reference | An HDF5 (object) reference type |
Ch5gt::SilenceHDF5 | Utility class to disable HDF5 stack printing inside a scope |
Ch5gt::SliceTraits< Derivate > | |
►Ch5gt::SliceTraits< DataSet > | |
Ch5gt::DataSet | Class representing a dataset |
►Ch5gt::SliceTraits< Selection > | |
Ch5gt::Selection | Selection: represent a view on a slice/part of a dataset |
Ch5gt::details::string_type_checker< SrcStrT > | |
Ch5gt::details::string_type_checker< char * > | |
Ch5gt::details::string_type_checker< char[FixedLen]> | |
Ch5gt::details::string_type_checker< void > | |
►Cstd::true_type | |
CH5Easy::detail::is_vector< std::vector< T > > | |
Ch5gt::details::type_char_array< typename > | |
Ch5gt::details::type_char_array< T * > | |
Ch5gt::details::type_char_array< T[N]> | |