DataSet | createDataSet (const std::string &dataset_name, const DataSpace &space, const DataType &type, const LinkCreateProps &linkCreateProps=LinkCreateProps(), const DataSetCreateProps &dsetCreateProps=DataSetCreateProps(), const DataSetAccessProps &dsetAccessProps=DataSetAccessProps()) |
| createDataSet Create a new dataset in the current file of datatype type and of size space
template<typename Type > |
DataSet | createDataSet (const std::string &dataset_name, const DataSpace &space, const LinkCreateProps &linkCreateProps=LinkCreateProps(), const DataSetCreateProps &dsetCreateProps=DataSetCreateProps(), const DataSetAccessProps &dsetAccessProps=DataSetAccessProps()) |
| createDataSet create a new dataset in the current file with a size specified by space
template<typename T > |
DataSet | createDataSet (const std::string &dataset_name, const T &data, const LinkCreateProps &linkCreateProps=LinkCreateProps(), const DataSetCreateProps &dsetCreateProps=DataSetCreateProps(), const DataSetAccessProps &dsetAccessProps=DataSetAccessProps()) |
| createDataSet create a new dataset in the current file and write to it, inferring the DataSpace from the data.
template<std::size_t N> |
DataSet | createDataSet (const std::string &dataset_name, const FixedLenStringArray< N > &data, const LinkCreateProps &linkCreateProps=LinkCreateProps(), const DataSetCreateProps &dsetCreateProps=DataSetCreateProps(), const DataSetAccessProps &dsetAccessProps=DataSetAccessProps()) |
DataType | getDataType (const std::string &dtype_name, const DataTypeAccessProps &dtypeAccessProps=DataTypeAccessProps()) const |
DataSet | getDataSet (const std::string &dataset_name, const DataSetAccessProps &accessProps=DataSetAccessProps()) const |
| get an existing dataset in the current file
Group | createGroup (const std::string &group_name, const LinkCreateProps &linkCreateProps=LinkCreateProps(), const GroupCreateProps &groupCreateProps=GroupCreateProps(), const GroupAccessProps &groupAccessProps=GroupAccessProps()) |
| create a new group, and eventually intermediate groups
Group | getGroup (const std::string &group_name, const GroupAccessProps &groupAccessProps=GroupAccessProps()) const |
| open an existing group with the name group_name
File | getFile () const |
size_t | getNumberObjects () const |
| return the number of leaf objects of the node / group
std::string | getObjectName (size_t index, const LinkAccessProps &linkAccessProps=LinkAccessProps()) const |
| return the name of the object with the given index
LinkInfo | getLinkInfo (const std::string &objName) const |
std::string | unpackSoftLink (const std::string &objName) |
| unpackSoftLink retrieve target path object path
std::string | unpackExternalLink (const std::string &objName, std::string &fileName_out) |
| unpackExternalLink retrieve target path object path and file path
bool | rename (const std::string &src_path, const std::string &dest_path, const LinkCreateProps &linkCreateProps=LinkCreateProps(), const LinkAccessProps &linkAccessProps=LinkAccessProps()) const |
| moves an object and its content within an HDF5 file.
std::vector< std::string > | listObjectNames () const |
| list all leaf objects name of the node / group
bool | exist (const std::string &obj_name, const LinkAccessProps &linkAccessProps=LinkAccessProps(), bool raise_errors=false) const |
| check a dataset or group exists in the current node / group
bool | resolved (const std::string &obj_name, const LinkAccessProps &linkAccessProps=LinkAccessProps(), bool raise_errors=false) const |
| resolved Hard links always resolved but Soft/External links may point to unexistant objects
bool | existAndResolved (const std::string &obj_name, const LinkAccessProps &linkAccessProps=LinkAccessProps(), bool raise_errors=false) const |
| existAndResolved invokes exist() and then reoslved()
bool | hasObject (const std::string &objName, const ObjectType &objType, const LinkAccessProps &linkAccessProps=LinkAccessProps(), bool raise_errors=false) const |
void | unlink (const std::string &obj_name, const LinkAccessProps &linkAccessProps=LinkAccessProps()) const |
| unlink the given dataset or group
LinkType | getLinkType (const std::string &obj_name, const LinkAccessProps &linkAccessProps=LinkAccessProps()) const |
| Returns the kind of link of the given name (soft, hard...)
ObjectType | getObjectType (const std::string &obj_name, const LinkAccessProps &accessProps=LinkAccessProps()) const |
| A shorthand to get the kind of object pointed to (group, dataset, type...)
Group | copy (const Group &obj, const std::string &objNewName, const ObjectCopyProps ©Props=ObjectCopyProps(), const LinkCreateProps &linkCreateProps=LinkCreateProps(), const GroupAccessProps &groupAccessProps=GroupAccessProps()) |
| Copies specified object to the new destination (this File/Group) under new name. The destination must not already have the object with the same name (objNewName).
DataSet | copy (const DataSet &obj, const std::string &objNewName, const ObjectCopyProps ©Props=ObjectCopyProps(), const LinkCreateProps &linkCreateProps=LinkCreateProps(), const DataSetAccessProps &dsetAccessProps=DataSetAccessProps()) |
DataType | copy (const DataType &obj, const std::string &objNewName, const ObjectCopyProps ©Props=ObjectCopyProps(), const LinkCreateProps &linkCreateProps=LinkCreateProps(), const DataTypeAccessProps &dtypeAccessProps=DataTypeAccessProps()) |
| Copies commited datatype.
template<typename Node , typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< Node, File >::value|std::is_same< Node, Group >::value >::type * = nullptr> |
Group | createLink (const Node &target, const std::string &linkName, const LinkType &linkType, const std::string &targetPath="", const LinkCreateProps &linkCreateProps=LinkCreateProps(), const LinkAccessProps &linkAccessProps=LinkAccessProps(), const GroupAccessProps &groupAccessProps=GroupAccessProps()) |
DataSet | createLink (const DataSet &target, const std::string &linkName, const LinkType &linkType, const std::string &targetPath="", const LinkCreateProps &linkCreateProps=LinkCreateProps(), const LinkAccessProps &linkAccessProps=LinkAccessProps(), const DataSetAccessProps &dsetAccessProps=DataSetAccessProps()) |
DataType | createLink (const DataType &target, const std::string &linkName, const LinkType &linkType, const std::string &targetPath="", const LinkCreateProps &linkCreateProps=LinkCreateProps(), const LinkAccessProps &linkAccessProps=LinkAccessProps(), const DataTypeAccessProps &dtypeAccessProps=DataTypeAccessProps()) |
template<typename Derivate>
class h5gt::NodeTraits< Derivate >
NodeTraits: Base class for Group and File.