Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
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- getAddress() : h5gt::ObjectInfo
- getAttribute() : h5gt::AnnotateTraits< Derivate >
- getChunkSize() : H5Easy::DumpOptions
- getClass() : h5gt::DataType
- getCompressionLevel() : H5Easy::DumpOptions
- getDataSet() : h5gt::NodeTraits< Derivate >
- getDataset() : h5gt::Selection
- getDataType() : h5gt::Attribute, h5gt::DataSet, h5gt::Selection
- getDimensions() : h5gt::DataSet, h5gt::DataSpace
- getElementCount() : h5gt::DataSet, h5gt::DataSpace
- getElementCountSelected() : h5gt::DataSpace
- getErrMajor() : h5gt::Exception
- getErrMinor() : h5gt::Exception
- getExternal() : h5gt::DataSetCreateProps
- getExternalCount() : h5gt::DataSetCreateProps
- getGroup() : h5gt::NodeTraits< Derivate >
- getHardLinkRefCount() : h5gt::ObjectInfo
- getId() : h5gt::Object
- getLinkType() : h5gt::NodeTraits< Derivate >
- getMaxDimensions() : h5gt::DataSpace
- getMembers() : h5gt::CompoundType
- getMemberType() : h5gt::CompoundType
- getMemSpace() : h5gt::Attribute, h5gt::DataSet, h5gt::Selection
- getName() : h5gt::Attribute
- getNumberAttributes() : h5gt::AnnotateTraits< Derivate >
- getNumberDimensions() : h5gt::DataSpace
- getNumberObjects() : h5gt::NodeTraits< Derivate >
- getObjectInfo() : h5gt::Object
- getObjectName() : h5gt::NodeTraits< Derivate >
- getObjectType() : h5gt::File, h5gt::Group, h5gt::NodeTraits< Derivate >, h5gt::Object
- getOffset() : h5gt::DataSet
- getPath() : h5gt::Object
- getSize() : h5gt::DataType
- getSoftLinkSize() : h5gt::LinkInfo
- getSpace() : h5gt::Attribute, h5gt::DataSet, h5gt::Selection
- getStorageSize() : h5gt::Attribute, h5gt::DataSet
- getString() : h5gt::FixedLenStringArray< N >
- getType() : h5gt::Reference
- getVirtualCount() : h5gt::DataSetCreateProps
- getVirtualDataSetName() : h5gt::DataSetCreateProps
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