h5geo 0.4.0
C++17 and python API to work with geo-data (seismic, wells, maps, other in process) based on HDF5. Aimed at geoscientists and developers.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Nh5geoBasic namespace
 C_ccwSorterThe _ccwSorter struct Used to sort points in _ccw order about a pivot
 CObjectDeleterDeleter for all H5Base inherited objects
 CPoint1X maybe length or time (depending on Domain)
 CPoint2X, Y are always length
 CPoint3X, Y are always length, Z either length or time (depending on Domain)
 CH5BaseBase class for all geo-containers and geo-objects
 CH5BaseContainerBase class for geo-containers
 CH5BaseObjectBase class for geo-objects
 CH5BaseObjectParamBase class for object parameters
 CH5BasePointsBase class for Points
 CH5DevCurveProvides API to work with well deviations (trajectories)
 CH5DevCurveParamClass for creating H5DevCurve
 CH5HorizonProvides API to work with horizons
 CH5HorizonParamClass for creating H5Horizon
 CH5LogCurveProvides API to work with well logs
 CH5LogCurveParamClass for creating H5LogCurve
 CH5MapProvides API to work with maps
 CH5MapContainerA container built around HDF5 file and used for storing and manipulating H5Map objects
 CH5MapParamClass for creating H5Map
 CH5Points1Provides API to work with 1D points
 CH5Points2Provides API to work with 2D points
 CH5Points3Provides API to work with 3D points
 CH5Points4Provides API to work with 4D points
 CH5PointsParamCommon class for creating H5Points1, H5Points2, H5Points3, H5Points4
 CH5SeisProvides API to work with seismic
 CH5SeisContainerA container built around HDF5 file and used for storing and manipulating H5Seis objects
 CH5SeisParamClass for creating H5Seis
 CH5VolProvides API to work with volumes
 CH5VolContainerA container built around HDF5 file and used for storing and manipulating H5Vol objects
 CH5VolParamClass for creating H5Vol
 CH5WellProvides API to work with wells
 CH5WellContainerA container built around HDF5 file and used for storing and manipulating H5Well objects
 CH5WellParamClass for creating H5Well
 CH5WellTopsProvides API to work with welltops
 CH5WellTopsParamClass for creating H5WellTops