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h5geo 0.4.0
C++17 and python API to work with geo-data (seismic, wells, maps, other in process) based on HDF5. Aimed at geoscientists and developers.
▼Nh5geo | Basic namespace |
C_ccwSorter | The _ccwSorter struct Used to sort points in _ccw order about a pivot |
CBinHeader | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators | |
CObjectDeleter | Deleter for all H5Base inherited objects |
CPoint1 | X maybe length or time (depending on Domain) |
CPoint2 | X, Y are always length |
CPoint3 | X, Y are always length, Z either length or time (depending on Domain) |
CPoint4 | |
CTraceHeader | |
▼Nh5geopy | |
CH5Base_py | |
CH5BaseContainer_py | |
CH5BaseObject_py | |
CH5BasePoints_py | |
CH5Base | Base class for all geo-containers and geo-objects |
CH5BaseContainer | Base class for geo-containers |
CH5BaseContainerImpl | |
CH5BaseImpl | |
CH5BaseObject | Base class for geo-objects |
CH5BaseObjectImpl | |
CH5BaseObjectParam | Base class for object parameters |
CH5BasePoints | Base class for Points |
CH5BasePointsImpl | |
CH5BasePy | |
CH5DevCurve | Provides API to work with well deviations (trajectories) |
CH5DevCurveImpl | |
CH5DevCurveParam | Class for creating H5DevCurve |
CH5Horizon | Provides API to work with horizons |
CH5HorizonImpl | |
CH5HorizonParam | Class for creating H5Horizon |
CH5LogCurve | Provides API to work with well logs |
CH5LogCurveImpl | |
CH5LogCurveParam | Class for creating H5LogCurve |
CH5Map | Provides API to work with maps |
CH5MapContainer | A container built around HDF5 file and used for storing and manipulating H5Map objects |
CH5MapContainerImpl | |
CH5MapImpl | |
CH5MapParam | Class for creating H5Map |
CH5Points1 | Provides API to work with 1D points |
CH5Points1Impl | |
CH5Points2 | Provides API to work with 2D points |
CH5Points2Impl | |
CH5Points3 | Provides API to work with 3D points |
CH5Points3Impl | |
CH5Points4 | Provides API to work with 4D points |
CH5Points4Impl | |
CH5PointsParam | Common class for creating H5Points1, H5Points2, H5Points3, H5Points4 |
CH5Seis | Provides API to work with seismic |
CH5SeisContainer | A container built around HDF5 file and used for storing and manipulating H5Seis objects |
CH5SeisContainerImpl | |
CH5SeisImpl | |
CH5SeisParam | Class for creating H5Seis |
CH5Vol | Provides API to work with volumes |
CH5VolContainer | A container built around HDF5 file and used for storing and manipulating H5Vol objects |
CH5VolContainerImpl | |
CH5VolImpl | |
CH5VolParam | Class for creating H5Vol |
CH5Well | Provides API to work with wells |
CH5WellContainer | A container built around HDF5 file and used for storing and manipulating H5Well objects |
CH5WellContainerImpl | |
CH5WellImpl | |
CH5WellParam | Class for creating H5Well |
CH5WellTops | Provides API to work with welltops |
CH5WellTopsImpl | |
CH5WellTopsParam | Class for creating H5WellTops |