virtual bool | writeData (Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixXf > data, const size_t &iX0, const size_t &iY0, const size_t &iZ0, const size_t &nX, const size_t &nY, const size_t &nZ, const std::string &dataUnits="") override |
| Write subvolume starting from iX0, iY0, iZ0 indices. data matrix is of size: nRows=nX, nCols=nY*nZ.
virtual bool | readSEGYSTACK (const std::string &segy, const size_t &ilHdrOffset, const size_t &ilHdrSize, const size_t &xlHdrOffset, const size_t &xlHdrSize, const size_t &xHdrOffset, const size_t &xHdrSize, const size_t &yHdrOffset, const size_t &yHdrSize, double sampRate, size_t nSamp=0, size_t nTrc=0, h5geo::SegyFormat format=static_cast< h5geo::SegyFormat >(0), h5geo::Endian endian=static_cast< h5geo::Endian >(0), std::function< void(double)> progressCallback=nullptr) override |
| Read SEGY STACK data, i.e. nTrc should be equal to nil*nxl. After reading origin, spacings, orientation, and angular units will be set.
virtual bool | setDomain (const h5geo::Domain &domain) override |
| Set domain for the map (TVD , TVDSS , TWT , OWT )
virtual bool | setOrigin (Eigen::Ref< Eigen::Vector3d > v, const std::string &lengthUnits="", const std::string &temporalUnits="", bool doCoordTransform=false) override |
| Set coordinates of origin.
virtual bool | setSpacings (Eigen::Ref< Eigen::Vector3d > v, const std::string &lengthUnits="", const std::string &temporalunits="") override |
| Set X,Y,Z unrotated spacings.
virtual bool | setOrientation (double val, const std::string &angularUnits="") override |
| Set XY plane orientation.
virtual bool | resize (size_t nx, size_t ny, size_t nz) override |
| Resize volume.
virtual Eigen::MatrixXf | getData (const size_t &iX0, const size_t &iY0, const size_t &iZ0, const size_t &nX, const size_t &nY, const size_t &nZ, const std::string &dataUnits="") override |
| Read subvolume starting from iX0, iY0, iZ0 indices. data matrix is of size: nRows=nX, nCols=nY*nZ.
virtual h5geo::Domain | getDomain () override |
| Get domain (TVD , TVDSS , TWT , OWT )
virtual Eigen::VectorXd | getOrigin (const std::string &lengthUnits="", const std::string &temporalUnits="", bool doCoordTransform=false) override |
| Get coordinates of origin.
virtual Eigen::VectorXd | getSpacings (const std::string &lengthUnits="", const std::string &temporalUnits="") override |
| Get X,Y,Z unrotated spacings.
virtual double | getOrientation (const std::string &angularUnits="") override |
| Get XY plane orientation.
virtual size_t | getNX () override |
| Get number of X values.
virtual size_t | getNY () override |
| Get number of Y values.
virtual size_t | getNZ () override |
| Get number of Z values.
virtual H5VolParam | getParam () override |
| Get parameters that were used to create current map.
virtual H5VolContainer * | openVolContainer () const override |
| Open H5VolContainer where current vol resides.
virtual std::optional< h5gt::DataSet > | getVolD () const override |
| Get current vol's DataSet.
virtual bool | exportToSEGY (const std::string &segyFile, h5geo::Endian endian=h5geo::Endian::Big, std::function< void(double)> progressCallback=nullptr) override |
virtual bool | recreateVolD (size_t nX, size_t nY, size_t nZ, size_t xChunk, size_t yChunk, size_t zChunk, unsigned compressionLevel) override |
| Unlink and create new dataset without copying data.
virtual H5BasePoints * | openPoints (const std::string &name) override |
| Open H5BasePoints derived points.
virtual H5BasePoints * | openPoints (h5gt::Group group) override |
| Open H5BasePoints derived points.
virtual H5Horizon * | openHorizon (const std::string &name) override |
virtual H5Horizon * | openHorizon (h5gt::Group group) override |
virtual H5Points1 * | createPoints1 (std::string &name, H5PointsParam &p, h5geo::CreationType createFlag) override |
virtual H5Points1 * | createPoints1 (h5gt::Group group, H5PointsParam &p, h5geo::CreationType createFlag) override |
virtual H5Points2 * | createPoints2 (std::string &name, H5PointsParam &p, h5geo::CreationType createFlag) override |
virtual H5Points2 * | createPoints2 (h5gt::Group group, H5PointsParam &p, h5geo::CreationType createFlag) override |
virtual H5Points3 * | createPoints3 (std::string &name, H5PointsParam &p, h5geo::CreationType createFlag) override |
virtual H5Points3 * | createPoints3 (h5gt::Group group, H5PointsParam &p, h5geo::CreationType createFlag) override |
virtual H5Points4 * | createPoints4 (std::string &name, H5PointsParam &p, h5geo::CreationType createFlag) override |
virtual H5Points4 * | createPoints4 (h5gt::Group group, H5PointsParam &p, h5geo::CreationType createFlag) override |
virtual H5Horizon * | createHorizon (std::string &name, H5HorizonParam &p, h5geo::CreationType createFlag) override |
virtual H5Horizon * | createHorizon (h5gt::Group group, H5HorizonParam &p, h5geo::CreationType createFlag) override |
virtual H5Base * | clone () override |
H5Base * | clone () |
H5Base * | clone () |
H5Base * | clone () |
H5Base * | clone () |
H5Base * | clone () |
H5Base * | clone () |
H5Base * | clone () |
H5Base * | clone () |
H5Base * | clone () |
H5Base * | clone () |
H5Base * | clone () |
H5Base * | clone () |
H5Base * | clone () |
H5Base * | clone () |
virtual bool | setSpatialReference (const std::string &str) override |
| Set spatial reference for current geo-object using authName:code form.
virtual bool | setSpatialReference (const std::string &authName, const std::string &code) override |
| Set spatial reference for current geo-object.
virtual bool | setLengthUnits (const std::string &str) override |
| Set length units for the current geo-object.
virtual bool | setTemporalUnits (const std::string &str) override |
| Set temporal units for the current geo-object.
virtual bool | setAngularUnits (const std::string &str) override |
| Set angular units for the current geo-object.
virtual bool | setDataUnits (const std::string &str) override |
| Set data units for the current geo-object.
virtual bool | setNullValue (double val) override |
| Set NULL value for the current geo-object.
virtual std::string | getSpatialReference () override |
| Get spatial reference for current geo-object.
virtual std::string | getLengthUnits () override |
| Get length units for the current geo-object.
virtual std::string | getTemporalUnits () override |
| Get temporal units for the current geo-object.
virtual std::string | getAngularUnits () override |
| Get angular units for the current geo-object.
virtual std::string | getDataUnits () override |
| Get data units for the current geo-object.
virtual double | getNullValue () override |
| Get NULL value for the current geo-object.
virtual h5gt::File | getH5File () const override |
| Get HDF5 file.
virtual h5gt::Group | getObjG () const override |
| Get HDF5 Group.
virtual std::string | getName () const override |
| Get geo-object's name without path.
virtual std::string | getFullName () const override |
| Get geo-object's name with full path to that object.
virtual std::vector< h5gt::Group > | getObjGroupList (const h5geo::ObjectType &objType, bool recursive) override |
| Find all geo-objects of specified type within current geo-object and return them as vector of Groups.
virtual std::vector< std::string > | getObjNameList (const h5geo::ObjectType &objType, bool recursive) override |
| Find all geo-objects of specified type within current geo-object and return them as vector of names.
virtual size_t | getObjCount (const h5geo::ObjectType &objType, bool recursive) override |
| Get number of geo-objects of specified type within current geo-object.
virtual bool | isEqual (H5BaseObject *other) const override |
| Check if geo-objects are the same.
virtual bool | operator== (const H5BaseObject &other) const override |
| Check if geo-objects are the same (compares HDF5 Groups)
virtual bool | operator!= (const H5BaseObject &other) const override |
| Check if geo-objects are not the same (compares HDF5 Groups)
virtual void | Delete () override |
| H5VolImpl (const h5gt::Group &group) |
| H5BaseObjectImpl (const h5gt::Group &group) |
std::optional< h5gt::Group > | getParentG (const h5geo::ObjectType &objType) |
| getParent Search for parent of type ObjectType for the objG
virtual std::optional< h5gt::Group > | getGroupOpt (h5gt::Group &parent, const std::string &groupName) const |
virtual std::optional< h5gt::DataSet > | getDatasetOpt (const h5gt::Group &parent, const std::string &datasetName) const |
virtual std::vector< h5gt::Group > | getChildGroupList (h5gt::Group &group, const h5geo::ObjectType &objType, bool recursive=false) |
virtual std::vector< std::string > | getChildNameList (h5gt::Group &group, const h5geo::ObjectType &objType, const std::string &referencePath, bool recursive=false) |
| referencePath to get relative path from it (set to empty to get full path)
virtual size_t | getChildCount (h5gt::Group &group, const h5geo::ObjectType &objType, bool recursive=false) |
std::optional< h5gt::Group > | createObject (std::string &objName, h5gt::File parentFile, const h5geo::ObjectType &objType, void *p, h5geo::CreationType createFlag) |
| createObject Creates new object. If CREATE_UNDER_NEW_NAME then objName will be chaged to be unique in its parent file.
std::optional< h5gt::Group > | createObject (std::string &objName, h5gt::Group parentGroup, const h5geo::ObjectType &objType, void *p, h5geo::CreationType createFlag) |
| createObject Creates new object. If CREATE_UNDER_NEW_NAME then objName will be chaged to be unique in its parent group.
std::optional< h5gt::Group > | createObject (h5gt::Group objG, const h5geo::ObjectType &objType, void *p, h5geo::CreationType createFlag) |
bool | isSuccessor (const h5gt::Group &parentG, const h5gt::Group &childG) |
| isSuccessor checks whether childG is successor of parentG
bool | isSuccessor (const std::string &parent, const std::string &child) |
| isSuccessor works only with absolute path!