4#include "h5baseobject.h"
42 const std::string& segy,
43 h5geo::TextEncoding encoding =
>(0)) = 0;
46 const std::string& segy,
47 h5geo::Endian endian =
>(0)) = 0;
58 const std::vector<std::string>& segyFiles,
59 std::vector<h5geo::SegyFormat> formats = std::vector<h5geo::SegyFormat>(),
60 std::vector<h5geo::Endian> endians = std::vector<h5geo::Endian>(),
61 std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> trcHdrNamesArr = std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>(),
62 size_t trcBuffer = 10000,
63 std::function<
double)> progressCallback =
nullptr) = 0;
76 const std::vector<std::string>& segyFiles,
77 std::vector<h5geo::SegyFormat> formats = std::vector<h5geo::SegyFormat>(),
78 std::vector<h5geo::Endian> endians = std::vector<h5geo::Endian>(),
79 std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> trcHdrNamesArr = std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>(),
80 size_t trcBuffer = 10000,
82 std::function<
double)> progressCallback =
nullptr) = 0;
102 const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& binHdrVec) = 0;
105 const std::string& hdrName,
107 const std::string& unitsFrom =
108 const std::string& unitsTo =
"") = 0;
111 Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXf> TRACE,
112 const size_t& fromTrc = 0,
113 const size_t& fromSampInd = 0,
114 const std::string& dataUnits =
"") = 0;
119 Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXf> TRACE,
120 const Eigen::Ref<
const Eigen::VectorX<size_t>>& trcInd,
121 const size_t& fromSampInd = 0,
122 const std::string& dataUnits =
"") = 0;
125 const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& HDR,
126 const size_t& fromTrc = 0,
127 const size_t& fromHdrInd = 0) = 0;
130 const std::string& hdrName,
131 Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> hdr,
132 const size_t& fromTrc = 0,
133 const std::string& unitsFrom =
134 const std::string& unitsTo =
"") = 0;
139 const std::string& hdrName,
140 Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> hdr,
141 const Eigen::Ref<
const Eigen::VectorX<size_t>>& trcInd,
142 const std::string& unitsFrom =
143 const std::string& unitsTo =
"") = 0;
149 const std::vector<std::string>& xyHdrNames,
150 Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixX2d>& xy,
151 const size_t& fromTrc = 0,
152 const std::string& lengthUnits =
153 bool doCoordTransform =
false) = 0;
159 const std::vector<std::string>& xyHdrNames,
160 Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixX2d>& xy,
161 const Eigen::Ref<
const Eigen::VectorX<size_t>>& trcInd,
162 const std::string& lengthUnits =
163 bool doCoordTransform =
false) = 0;
177 const std::string& hdrName,
178 const std::string& unitsFrom =
179 const std::string& unitsTo =
"") = 0;
186 const size_t& fromTrc,
188 const size_t& fromSampInd = 0,
189 size_t nSamp = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(),
190 const std::string& dataUnits =
"") = 0;
198 const Eigen::Ref<
const Eigen::VectorX<size_t>>& trcInd,
199 const size_t& fromSampInd = 0,
200 size_t nSamp = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(),
201 const std::string& dataUnits =
"") = 0;
208 const size_t& fromTrc,
210 const size_t& fromHdr = 0,
211 size_t nHdr = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(),
212 const std::vector<std::string>& unitsFrom = std::vector<std::string>(),
213 const std::vector<std::string>& unitsTo = std::vector<std::string>()) = 0;
219 const std::string& hdrName,
220 const size_t& fromTrc = 0,
222 const std::string& unitsFrom =
223 const std::string& unitsTo =
"") = 0;
230 const std::vector<size_t>& trcInd,
231 const std::vector<size_t>& trcHdrInd,
232 const std::vector<std::string>& unitsFrom = std::vector<std::string>(),
233 const std::vector<std::string>& unitsTo = std::vector<std::string>()) = 0;
240 const Eigen::Ref<
const Eigen::VectorX<size_t>>& trcInd,
241 const Eigen::Ref<
const Eigen::VectorX<size_t>>& trcHdrInd,
242 const std::vector<std::string>& unitsFrom = std::vector<std::string>(),
243 const std::vector<std::string>& unitsTo = std::vector<std::string>()) = 0;
250 const std::vector<std::string>& hdrNames,
251 const std::vector<size_t>& trcInd,
252 const std::vector<std::string>& unitsFrom = std::vector<std::string>(),
253 const std::vector<std::string>& unitsTo = std::vector<std::string>()) = 0;
260 const std::vector<std::string>& hdrNames,
261 const Eigen::Ref<
const Eigen::VectorX<size_t>>& trcInd,
262 const std::vector<std::string>& unitsFrom = std::vector<std::string>(),
263 const std::vector<std::string>& unitsTo = std::vector<std::string>()) = 0;
269 const std::vector<std::string>& xyHdrNames,
270 const size_t& fromTrc = 0,
271 size_t nTrc = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(),
272 const std::string& lengthUnits =
273 bool doCoordTransform =
false) = 0;
281 const std::vector<std::string>& xyHdrNames,
282 const Eigen::Ref<
const Eigen::VectorX<size_t>>& trcInd,
283 const std::string& lengthUnits =
284 bool doCoordTransform =
false) = 0;
302 Eigen::MatrixXf& TRACE,
303 Eigen::MatrixXd& HDR,
304 const std::vector<std::string>& keyList,
305 const std::vector<double>& minList,
306 const std::vector<double>& maxList,
308 size_t fromSampInd = 0,
309 size_t nSamp = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(),
310 const std::string& dataUnits =
311 const std::string& lengthUnits =
312 bool doCoordTransform =
false) = 0;
321 const size_t& trcInd,
322 const std::string& units =
"") = 0;
325 const size_t& trcInd,
326 const std::string& units =
"") = 0;
329 const size_t& trcInd,
330 const std::string& units =
"") = 0;
333 const std::string& units =
"") = 0;
352 const std::string& pKey,
353 double pMin,
double pMax,
354 size_t pStep = 1) = 0;
359 const std::string& pKey,
360 const std::string& unitsFrom =
361 const std::string& unitsTo =
"") = 0;
370 const std::string& pKey,
371 double pMin,
double pMax,
372 size_t pStep = 1) = 0;
381 const std::string& pKey,
382 double pMin,
double pMax,
383 size_t pStep = 1) = 0;
392 const std::string& hdrName,
393 const std::string& unitsFrom =
394 const std::string& unitsTo =
"") = 0;
397 const std::string& hdrName,
398 const std::string& unitsFrom =
399 const std::string& unitsTo =
"") = 0;
410 const size_t& fromTrc,
size_t& nTrc) = 0;
419 const size_t& fromHdr,
size_t& nHdr) = 0;
426 const size_t& fromSampInd,
size_t& nSamp) = 0;
431 double src_x0,
double src_dx,
size_t src_nx,
432 double src_y0,
double src_dy,
size_t src_ny,
434 double rec_x0,
double rec_dx,
size_t rec_nx,
435 double rec_y0,
double rec_dy,
size_t rec_ny,
439 const std::string& lengthUnits =
440 bool doCoordTransform =
false) = 0;
444 double x0,
double dx,
size_t nx,
445 double y0,
double dy,
size_t ny,
448 const std::string& lengthUnits =
449 bool doCoordTransform =
false) = 0;
452 virtual bool setDomain(
const h5geo::Domain& domain) = 0;
454 virtual bool setDataType(
const h5geo::SeisDataType& seisType) = 0;
458 virtual bool setSRD(
double val,
const std::string& lengthUnits =
"") = 0;
460 virtual bool setSampRate(
double val,
const std::string& units =
"") = 0;
471 virtual double getSRD(
const std::string& lengthUnits =
"") = 0;
530 const std::string& lengthUnits =
531 bool doCoordTransform =
false) = 0;
536 const std::string& xHeader =
537 const std::string& yHeader =
538 const std::string& ilHeader =
539 const std::string& xlHeader =
540 double ilMin = std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
541 double ilMax = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
542 double xlMin = std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
543 double xlMax = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
544 size_t fromSampInd = 0,
545 size_t nSamp = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(),
546 std::function<
double)> progressCallback =
nullptr) = 0;
548 virtual bool exportToSEGY(
549 const std::string& segyFile,
550 size_t trcBuffer = 10000,
551 h5geo::Endian endian = h5geo::Endian::Big,
552 std::function<
double)> progressCallback =
nullptr) = 0;
555using H5Seis_ptr = std::unique_ptr<H5Seis, h5geo::ObjectDeleter>;
Base class for geo-objects.
Definition h5baseobject.h:13
A container built around HDF5 file and used for storing and manipulating H5Seis objects.
Definition h5seiscontainer.h:15
Provides API to work with seismic.
Definition h5seis.h:33
virtual bool setFirstSample(double val, const std::string &units="")=0
Set first sample.
virtual bool checkTraceLimits(const size_t &fromTrc, size_t &nTrc)=0
Check fromTrc, nTrc (passed by reference) and diminish nTrc to fit in data limits (if fromTrc is insi...
virtual bool writeTraceHeader(const std::string &hdrName, Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixXd > hdr, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorX< size_t > > &trcInd, const std::string &unitsFrom="", const std::string &unitsTo="")=0
Write trace header by name and trace indexes.
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd calcBoundary(const std::string &lengthUnits="", bool doCoordTransform=false)=0
Calculate XY boundary around the survey.
virtual bool updateTraceHeaderSampRate()=0
Set trace header samp rate from binary header.
virtual bool writeBinHeader(const std::string &hdrName, const double &value, const std::string &unitsFrom="", const std::string &unitsTo="")=0
Write text header.
virtual h5geo::SurveyType getSurveyType()=0
Set survey type for the seismic (TWO_D or THREE_D)
virtual std::optional< h5gt::DataSet > getBinHeaderD()=0
Get binary header DataSet.
virtual bool removePKeySort(const std::string &pKeyName)=0
Remove PKey sorting.
virtual bool updatePKeySort(const std::string &pKeyName)=0
Update sorting for prepared PKey
virtual size_t getNBinHdr()=0
Get number of binary headers.
virtual bool writeBinHeader(const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &binHdrVec)=0
Write text header.
virtual bool setDomain(const h5geo::Domain &domain)=0
Set domain for the seismic (TVD, TVDSS, TWT, OWT)
virtual std::optional< h5gt::Group > getIndexesG()=0
Get sorting indexes Group.
virtual bool writeBinHeader(const std::vector< double > &binHdrVec)=0
Write text header.
virtual std::map< std::string, double > getBinHeader()=0
Get binary header.
virtual bool setSRD(double val, const std::string &lengthUnits="")=0
Set Seismic Reference Datum.
virtual size_t getNTrcHdr()=0
Get number trace headers (usually 78)
virtual bool readSEGYTracesMMap(const std::vector< std::string > &segyFiles, std::vector< h5geo::SegyFormat > formats=std::vector< h5geo::SegyFormat >(), std::vector< h5geo::Endian > endians=std::vector< h5geo::Endian >(), std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > trcHdrNamesArr=std::vector< std::vector< std::string > >(), size_t trcBuffer=10000, int nThreads=-1, std::function< void(double)> progressCallback=nullptr)=0
Read trace headers and trace data from SEGY file using Memory Mapping.
virtual ptrdiff_t getTraceHeaderIndex(const std::string &hdrName)=0
Get index (row/col within 2D dataset) for a given trace header.
virtual size_t getPKeyTraceSize(const std::string &pKey, double pMin, double pMax, size_t pStep=1)=0
Get number of traces to be selected for a given PKey
virtual std::optional< h5gt::DataSet > getSEGYTraceFloatD()=0
Get SEGY float trace DataSet (for mapped H5Seis only)
virtual bool writeTrace(Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixXf > TRACE, const size_t &fromTrc=0, const size_t &fromSampInd=0, const std::string &dataUnits="")=0
Write block of traces starting from trace fromTrc and from sample fromSampInd
virtual double getSRD(const std::string &lengthUnits="")=0
Get Seismic Reference Datum.
virtual double getTraceHeaderMin(const std::string &hdrName, const std::string &unitsFrom="", const std::string &unitsTo="")=0
Get trace header minimal value for a given trace header.
virtual bool setNSamp(size_t nSamp)=0
Resize trace DataSet.
virtual bool writeTextHeader(const std::vector< std::string > &txtHdr)=0
Write text header.
virtual std::map< std::string, double > getTraceHeaderMin()=0
Get trace header minimal values.
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd getTraceHeader(const std::vector< std::string > &hdrNames, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorX< size_t > > &trcInd, const std::vector< std::string > &unitsFrom=std::vector< std::string >(), const std::vector< std::string > &unitsTo=std::vector< std::string >())=0
Get trace headers by indexes and names.
virtual bool readSEGYTextHeader(const std::string &segy, h5geo::TextEncoding encoding=static_cast< h5geo::TextEncoding >(0))=0
Read text header from SEGY file.
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd getTraceHeader(const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorX< size_t > > &trcInd, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorX< size_t > > &trcHdrInd, const std::vector< std::string > &unitsFrom=std::vector< std::string >(), const std::vector< std::string > &unitsTo=std::vector< std::string >())=0
Get trace headers by indexes.
virtual std::optional< h5gt::Group > getSEGYG()=0
Get SEGY Group (for mapped H5Seis only)
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd getTraceHeader(const std::vector< std::string > &hdrNames, const std::vector< size_t > &trcInd, const std::vector< std::string > &unitsFrom=std::vector< std::string >(), const std::vector< std::string > &unitsTo=std::vector< std::string >())=0
Get trace header by indexes and name.
virtual ptrdiff_t getBinHeaderIndex(const std::string &hdrName)=0
Get index (position within 1D dataset) for a given binary header.
virtual size_t getNTrc()=0
Get number of traces.
virtual Eigen::VectorX< size_t > getPKeyIndexes(const std::string &pKey, double pMin, double pMax, size_t pStep=1)=0
Get trace indexes for given PKey
virtual std::map< std::string, double > getTraceHeaderMax()=0
Get trace header maximal values.
virtual bool readSEGYTraces(const std::vector< std::string > &segyFiles, std::vector< h5geo::SegyFormat > formats=std::vector< h5geo::SegyFormat >(), std::vector< h5geo::Endian > endians=std::vector< h5geo::Endian >(), std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > trcHdrNamesArr=std::vector< std::vector< std::string > >(), size_t trcBuffer=10000, std::function< void(double)> progressCallback=nullptr)=0
Read trace headers and trace data from SEGY file.
virtual std::vector< std::string > getTextHeader()=0
Get text header.
virtual Eigen::VectorXd getPKeyValues(const std::string &pKey, const std::string &unitsFrom="", const std::string &unitsTo="")=0
Get PKey unique values.
virtual double getTraceHeaderMax(const std::string &hdrName, const std::string &unitsFrom="", const std::string &unitsTo="")=0
Get trace header maximal value for a given trace header.
virtual bool setSurveyType(const h5geo::SurveyType &surveyType)=0
Set survey type for the seismic (TWO_D or THREE_D)
virtual bool generateSTKGeometry(double x0, double dx, size_t nx, double y0, double dy, size_t ny, double z, double orientation, const std::string &lengthUnits="", bool doCoordTransform=false)=0
Convenient function to prepare geometry for STACK data.
virtual bool writeTrace(Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixXf > TRACE, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorX< size_t > > &trcInd, const size_t &fromSampInd=0, const std::string &dataUnits="")=0
Write traces using indexes.
virtual bool hasPKeySort(const std::string &pKeyName)=0
Check if PKey sort is prepared.
virtual double getBinHeader(const std::string &hdrName, const std::string &unitsFrom="", const std::string &unitsTo="")=0
Get text header by name.
virtual std::optional< h5gt::DataSet > getSEGYBinHeader2BytesD()=0
Get SEGY 2-bytes binary header DataSet (for mapped H5Seis only)
virtual double getSampRate(const std::string &units="")=0
Get sampling rate.
virtual std::optional< h5gt::DataSet > getSEGYTraceHeader2BytesD()=0
Get SEGY 2-bytes trace header DataSet (for mapped H5Seis only)
virtual std::optional< h5gt::DataSet > getSEGYBinHeader4BytesD()=0
Get SEGY 4-bytes binary header DataSet (for mapped H5Seis only)
virtual bool updateTraceHeaderLimits(size_t nTrcBuffer=1e7)=0
Calculate and write min/max trace headers.
virtual bool setDataType(const h5geo::SeisDataType &seisType)=0
Set datatype for the seismic (STACK or PRESTACK)
virtual bool exportToVol(H5Vol *vol, const std::string &xHeader="CDP_X", const std::string &yHeader="CDP_Y", const std::string &ilHeader="INLINE", const std::string &xlHeader="XLINE", double ilMin=std::numeric_limits< double >::min(), double ilMax=std::numeric_limits< double >::max(), double xlMin=std::numeric_limits< double >::min(), double xlMax=std::numeric_limits< double >::max(), size_t fromSampInd=0, size_t nSamp=std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max(), std::function< void(double)> progressCallback=nullptr)=0
Export seismic to H5Vol.
virtual bool addPKeySort(const std::string &pKeyName)=0
Prepare sorting.
virtual bool setNTrc(size_t nTrc)=0
Resize trace and trace header DataSets.
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd getTraceHeader(const std::vector< size_t > &trcInd, const std::vector< size_t > &trcHdrInd, const std::vector< std::string > &unitsFrom=std::vector< std::string >(), const std::vector< std::string > &unitsTo=std::vector< std::string >())=0
Get trace headers by indexes.
virtual bool writeTraceHeader(const std::string &hdrName, Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixXd > hdr, const size_t &fromTrc=0, const std::string &unitsFrom="", const std::string &unitsTo="")=0
Write trace header by name.
virtual H5SeisContainer * openSeisContainer()=0
Open H5SeisContainer where current seismic resides.
virtual Eigen::MatrixXf getTrace(const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorX< size_t > > &trcInd, const size_t &fromSampInd=0, size_t nSamp=std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max(), const std::string &dataUnits="")=0
Get traces by indexes.
virtual Eigen::MatrixXf getTrace(const size_t &fromTrc, size_t nTrc=1, const size_t &fromSampInd=0, size_t nSamp=std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max(), const std::string &dataUnits="")=0
Get block of traces.
virtual std::optional< h5gt::Group > getUValG()=0
Get sorting unique values Group.
virtual size_t getPKeySize(const std::string &pKey, double pMin, double pMax, size_t pStep=1)=0
Get number of unique values for a given PKey
virtual bool checkTraceHeaderLimits(const size_t &fromHdr, size_t &nHdr)=0
Check fromHdr and nHdr (passed by reference) and diminish nHdr to fit in data limits (if fromTrc is i...
virtual size_t getNTextHdrRows()=0
Get number of text header rows.
virtual size_t getNSamp()=0
Get number of samples.
virtual bool setSampRate(double val, const std::string &units="")=0
Set sampling rate.
virtual std::vector< std::string > getPKeyNames()=0
Get names of prepared PKeys (names of prepared sortings PKeys)
virtual bool writeTraceHeader(const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > &HDR, const size_t &fromTrc=0, const size_t &fromHdrInd=0)=0
Write block of trace headers starting from trace fromTrc and from header index fromHdrInd
virtual Eigen::VectorXd getSamples(const size_t &trcInd, const std::string &units="")=0
Get vector of equally spaced samples in specified units.
virtual bool writeXYTraceHeaders(const std::vector< std::string > &xyHdrNames, Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixX2d > &xy, const size_t &fromTrc=0, const std::string &lengthUnits="", bool doCoordTransform=false)=0
Write XY trace headers (two columns in Eigen column-major matrix)
virtual bool writeXYTraceHeaders(const std::vector< std::string > &xyHdrNames, Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixX2d > &xy, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorX< size_t > > &trcInd, const std::string &lengthUnits="", bool doCoordTransform=false)=0
Write XY trace headers (two columns in Eigen column-major matrix)
virtual bool generatePRESTKGeometry(double src_x0, double src_dx, size_t src_nx, double src_y0, double src_dy, size_t src_ny, double src_z, double rec_x0, double rec_dx, size_t rec_nx, double rec_y0, double rec_dy, size_t rec_ny, double rec_z, double orientation, bool moveRec, const std::string &lengthUnits="", bool doCoordTransform=false)=0
Convenient function to prepare geometry for PRESTACK data.
virtual double getLastSample(const size_t &trcInd, const std::string &units="")=0
Get last sample.
virtual bool readSEGYBinHeader(const std::string &segy, h5geo::Endian endian=static_cast< h5geo::Endian >(0))=0
Read binary header from SEGY file.
virtual std::optional< h5gt::DataSet > getSEGYTraceHeader4BytesD()=0
Get SEGY 4-bytes trace header DataSet (for mapped H5Seis only)
virtual h5geo::Domain getDomain()=0
Get domain (TVD, TVDSS, TWT, OWT)
virtual double getFirstSample(const size_t &trcInd, const std::string &units="")=0
Get first sample.
virtual bool writeTextHeader(const char(&txtHdr)[40][80])=0
Write text header.
virtual size_t getPKeySize(const std::string &pKey)=0
Get number of unique values for a given PKey
virtual bool checkSampleLimits(const size_t &fromSampInd, size_t &nSamp)=0
Check fromSampInd and nSamp (passed by reference) and diminish nSamp to fit in data limits (if fromSa...
virtual h5geo::SeisDataType getDataType()=0
Get datatype for the seismic (STACK or PRESTACK)
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd getXYTraceHeaders(const std::vector< std::string > &xyHdrNames, const size_t &fromTrc=0, size_t nTrc=std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max(), const std::string &lengthUnits="", bool doCoordTransform=false)=0
Get XY trace headers (two columns in Eigen column-major matrix)
virtual std::optional< h5gt::DataSet > getTraceD()=0
Get trace DataSet.
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd getTraceHeader(const size_t &fromTrc, size_t nTrc=1, const size_t &fromHdr=0, size_t nHdr=std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max(), const std::vector< std::string > &unitsFrom=std::vector< std::string >(), const std::vector< std::string > &unitsTo=std::vector< std::string >())=0
Get block of trace headers.
virtual Eigen::VectorX< size_t > getSortedData(Eigen::MatrixXf &TRACE, Eigen::MatrixXd &HDR, const std::vector< std::string > &keyList, const std::vector< double > &minList, const std::vector< double > &maxList, size_t pStep=1, size_t fromSampInd=0, size_t nSamp=std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max(), const std::string &dataUnits="", const std::string &lengthUnits="", bool doCoordTransform=false)=0
Get sorted data based on precalculated primary sort keys.
virtual std::optional< h5gt::DataSet > getTraceHeaderD()=0
Get trace header DataSet.
virtual bool updateTraceHeaderNSamp()=0
Set trace header number of samples from binary header.
virtual std::optional< h5gt::DataSet > getSEGYTextHeaderD()=0
Get SEGY text header DataSet (for mapped H5Seis only)
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd getXYTraceHeaders(const std::vector< std::string > &xyHdrNames, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorX< size_t > > &trcInd, const std::string &lengthUnits="", bool doCoordTransform=false)=0
Get XY trace headers (two columns in Eigen column-major matrix)
virtual std::optional< h5gt::DataSet > getTextHeaderD()=0
Get text header DataSet.
virtual H5SeisParam getParam()=0
Get parameters that were used to create current seis.
virtual std::optional< h5gt::Group > getSortG()=0
Get sorting Group.
virtual bool writeBinHeader(const double(&binHdr)[30])=0
Write binary header.
virtual Eigen::VectorXd getTraceHeader(const std::string &hdrName, const size_t &fromTrc=0, size_t nTrc=1, const std::string &unitsFrom="", const std::string &unitsTo="")=0
Get block of trace header by name.
Provides API to work with volumes.
Definition h5vol.h:15
Class for creating H5Seis.
Definition h5base.h:165